Fisherman's Knot

Also known as the Angler's Knot, English Knot, Englishman's Knot, Fisherman's Bend, Halibut Knot, or Waterman's Knot.

The Fisherman’s Knot takes the prize for the knot with the most alternate names, likely owing to its ancient origin. The Fisherman’s Knot is probably the easiest bend knot for joining two lines together. Simply overlap the ends of two lines, tie an overhand knot using the tag end of each line, and pull taut. Due to its simplicity, the knot lacks line breaking strength. Stronger variants of the knot include the Double Fisherman’s Knot, which as the name implies uses double overhand knots, and of course the Triple Fisherman’s Knot.

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How to Tie the Fisherman's Knot

Additional Resources
Fisherman's Knot (Wikipedia)

Similar Knots

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